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Subscription Form Issues & Spamhaus

Subscription Form Issues & Spamhaus

Recently, Spamhaus started cracking down on potential "list bombing" activity.

In layman's terms, spammers write scripts to find web pages with forms. (more…)

FTC Settles CAN-SPAM to the tune of $500,000

FTC Settles CAN-SPAM to the tune of $500,000

Three Florida-based affiliate marketers charged with using illegal spam e-mail, false weight-loss claims, and phony celebrity endorsements to market bogus weight-loss products. As a result, they will pay $500,000 to settle Federal Trade Commission charges. The court order resolving the FTC’s allegations also prohibits the defendants from the illegal Read more...

Verizon will no longer be supporting email

Verizon Email Closing Down

You may have heard the chatter about Verizon moving out of the email space and migrating their customers to AOL for the backend.

Here is more info on it from Verizon (why they're getting out of email and how Verizon customers are impacted):

While the change will take some time

Marketing Lessons from the 2016 Presidential Election Cycle

Marketing Lessons from the 2016 Presidential Election Cycle

It's Over! The 2016 election is finally over...

No matter what side of the fence you were on, we can probably all agree that we're glad it's over! It was a long road...

There are LOTS of marketing lessons to take from the campaign (both sides):

1. Target the right audience.
Each side

Content is Still King

Content is Still King

Content is still king.

Content is still the single most important factor when it comes to get your mail delivered.

If your subscribers don't like your content, they'll unsubscribe or, worse, report your message as spam.

If the ISPs don't like you're content, the message will be sent to the junk folder Read more...

Affiliate Networks and Your Sender Reputation

Affiliate Networks and Your Sender Reputation

When we are referring to affiliate networks, we’re talking about networks like Clickbank, JVZoo, etc.

The long and the short of these networks is that the ISPs GENERALLY don’t like them and if you’re doing a significant amount of mailing to offers within these networks, there’s a good chance that Read more...

Reputation Is A Moving Target

Reputation Is A Moving Target

The reputation game continues to get more complex as ISPs get more and more sophisticated.

It used to be as simple as not getting complaints and keeping your email list clean. But now, ISPs are putting together algorithms that look at domains, IPs, content, links, and more... So it's essentially Read more...

Holiday Promotions

Holiday Promotions

It's hard to believe that we’re almost in the “holiday” season already! Wasn’t it just New Years a few weeks ago?

Kids are going back to school…

Stores are lining their shelves with decorations for fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and even Christmas! Plus, this year, we’ve got election day that you could Read more...

Does Affiliate Marketing Impact Reputation

Deliverability Reminders: How Does Affiliate Marketing Impact Reputation?

We wanted to just revisit some common questions that we get asked about frequently (and it's a good refresher for seasoned marketers).

So... for the next several weeks, we're going to address a different question each week to keep the snippets short, simple and actionable for you! If you have Read more...