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Useful Email Marketing Statistics

Useful Email Marketing Statistics

Here are a few interesting email statistics that make sense to pay attention to when working on your email marketing strategy.

- Email is 40 times more successful at acquiring new clients than either Facebook or Twitter. In fact, you are 6 times more likely to get a click-through from Read more...

Domain Reputation

Domain Reputation

While having a good IP reputation is still important, it's not the ONLY indicator, or even the primary indicator, as to whether or not your email are going to make it to the inbox, or even get delivered at all.

Domains, along with other technologies, are playing more and more Read more...

Segmenting 101

Segmenting 101

There has been a lot of talk about segmentation at Email Summit in Las Vegas. The common themes are that:

(a) Everybody needs to segment MORE and

(b) Implementation is the one thing that holds people back.

So, if you're not already segmenting, here are 4 easy components that you can Read more...

Volume of Mail vs. IPs

Volume of Mail vs IPs

Lately, we've had questions about IPs and volume and when to increase the number of IPs.

When we work with folks on the setup, we design the plan based on discussed volume, warm up requirements and long term growth expectations. In general, we recommend 1 IP for every 75K - Read more...

7 Ways to Improve Your Email Welcome Series

7 Ways to Improve Your Email Welcome Series

We've all heard the saying, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression."

The same holds true when it comes to your email. However, so many marketers are using an outdated email welcome series or don't actually take the time to really think through their autoresponders. We'll Read more...

Lessons You Can Learn From a PROPER Warm Up

Lessons You Can Learn From a PROPER Warm Up

More and more, we see new clients wanting to do their own thing when it comes to warming up their domains and IPs. The problem with this is that it essentially sets you up for failure from the get-go. When this happens, it incurs extra fees, extra time, and Read more...


Email Tips-Part 2

Since the holidays are coming up and everyone is busy, we've decided to dedicate the next several weeks to some quick tips that you can implement into your email program quickly.

This week's tip has to do with Image to Text Ratio...

A common question that comes up with clients is Read more...


10 Tips for Writing Effective Email Copy

No doubt you've heard the truism in online marketing that 'the money is in the list.'

By itself, that truism is about as useful as saying that ‘the fish are in the pond’ without mentioning the fishing pole, the bait, or how to land a fish in a net.

It stands