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Don’t Use Gimmicky Email Copy

At some point, a decade ago, there were lots of “gimmicks” that online marketers tried to use to get their messages through the spam filters.

But, as time has passed, these filters have gotten more sophisticated and accurate, so such trickery will not only NOT help you get past the Read more...

how to buy an e-mail list

How to Buy An Email List

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that, generally speaking, buying a list, can cause you a lot of problems and may actually not be allowed under the terms of service provided by your email provider (if you’re using a 3rd party email service) or by your hosting company Read more...

email optin: single vs. double

Email Opt-In: Double Optin vs Single Opt-In

With a single email opt-in, you have no guarantee that the email is valid or that the person whose email address you’ve gotten has actually requested communication from you!

The way to combat this is by using a “double opt-in” process.

How this works is when the user enters his/her name Read more...


What Is SORBS?

SORBS, founded by an Australian named Matthew Sullivan, stands for Spam and Open-Relay Blocking System.

At one point in our Internet's young past, open relays were a huge problem.

An open relay is simply an email server, which allows anybody in the world to connect to, and send email through.

The problem with this


Types of Email Marketing Software

First things first, let’s talk about the different methods in which you can use to send your email.

Most likely, if you’re doing any kind of marketing online, you’re using one of these 2 solutions.

First, we're going to talk about the types of solutions.  We basically have two main methods Read more...